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Southern Ontario

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'Less than a mile from shore'

Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario

by Rhiannon Russell for TVO Today

October 19, 2016

Blair McKeil opens the trunk of his SUV to reveal a feast: covered aluminum trays full of carrots, mashed potatoes and a Thanksgiving turkey. “Homemade apple pie!” he exclaims, lifting one out of the back seat.

Then McKeil walks towards a 147-metre-long ship docked at Hamilton Harbour’s Eastport, so large it makes a truck parked beside it look like a Dinky toy.


Donations can be made online or mailed to: 

Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario

P.O. Box 18223

RPO Steeple Hill
Pickering, ON L1V 0B8


Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario

Ours is a ministry of hospitality where no seafarers will be left behind, where they know they are not isolated, and are valued by the world. Read More


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